Chania Meeting

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2nd Partner Meeting Chania, Crete

The 2nd meeting of the iQTool consortium took place in the headquarters of the Greek partner, TUC MUSIC between 11-13th July, 2008. In fact the meeting consisted of two seminars, a special for developers of WP3 to work on the software development, and one general meeting on the management of the iQTool project.

The developers had a really effective discusson on the flow of development. They determined the development methodology, agreed on what requirements the software tool should complete and decided about the LMS in which they will make testing of the software.

The second half of the meeting was dedicated to general questions and to the revision of the progress of the project.

Eduardo Rodrigues, Carlos Felicio, Bernhard Ufholz, Gábor Kaposi  László Fazekas, Xenia Arapi, Nektarios Moumoutzis, Gábor Kaposi, Carlos Felicio Balázs Wagner, Clara Pranjivan, Eduardo Rodrigues, Carlos Felicio, Bernhard Ufholz

 László Komáromi, Viktória Havasi, Gáborné Majzik, Tor Atle Hjeltnes, Thorleif Hjeltnes, Geir Maribu István Simonics, Balázs Wagner, László Fazekas, Xenia Arapi, Nektarios Moumoutzis


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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