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Research Institute of Vocational Educational Training (f-bb) - http://www.f-bb.de

The Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH, the Research Institute for Vocational Training, is a non-profit limited liability partnership. The f-bb is concerned with a wide portfolio of research and development projects on vocational education and training at regional, national and international level. Most of the projects are undertaken in cooperation with commercial, industrial and craft trade enterprises, other research institutes, vocational training institutions or schools providing vocational education.

The tasks carried out by the f-bb include alongside basic research and model tests on vocational education and training, the design of case studies, the conduct of empirical surveys as well as the evaluation and scientific coaching of projects. Primary research interests are focussed on the relationship of new forms of work organisations, VET and new media and methods. About 60 research scientists are currently working in the f-bb. It is an interdisciplinary staff including social, economic and work scientists and vocational educational professionals. The extensive experience and expertise of the institute's human resources in charge of executing a given assignment, as well as its institutional embedding enable the f-bb to successfully execute the assignment and to widely publish the results relevant to experts in a differentiated form.

Role of the participant organisation in the project

The preparation and design of educational products, educational content development (quality management) workpackage will be coordinated by  Research Institute for Vocational Training, because it has coordinated the development of the software and has provided the necessary professional knowledge for this part of the instruction material. Furthermore f-bb will attend in the following part of projects: management , research,  tesing and piloting, quality and evaluation, dissemination and explotation.

Staff responsible for the project

Bernhard Ufholz

 Bernhard Ufholz


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ennek az oldalnak az eredeti elérhetősége: http://elearning.ilab.sztaki.hu/partner_FBB