[ Partners Profile ] >> [ TISIP ] >>

The Research Foundation TISIP - http://www.tisip.no

The research foundation TISIP was founded in 1985. TISIP do research in ICT and e-learning and has developed content for more that 70 e-learning courses. Most courses exist in Norwegian, some in English, Swedish and Greek. TISIP has done research related to e-learning both for SME's, regional organisations and for higher education, and has both coordinated and been partner of EU projects under IST, Socrates Minerva, Leonardo and the eLearning Programme. TISIP has done work on Virtual universities, Quality assurance systems, Standardisation in e-learning, Cost-effectiveness and development of LMS (VLE) systems. TISIP have newly established a Technical college covering the area of ICT Network management and ICT sales. TISIP also publish text books in ICT, with more than 15 titles. Some books are translated into English (Wiley), Greek and Chinese. About 25 researchers work for TISIP.

Role of the participant organisation in the project

TISIP is the leader of WP6 quality and evaluation workpackage, because he has coordinated a project dealing with e-learning quality assurance and evaluation and has appropriate work experience. Each work package will be provided with a separate quality assurance plan, the implementation of which will be controlled by TISIP, who is responsible for that.

Furthermore the P2 will be attend in the following workpages: management, research, testing and piloting, dissemination and explotation.

Staff responsible for the project

Thorleif Hjeltnes, Tor Atle Hjeltnes, Geir Maribu

Thorleif Hjeltnes  Tor Atle Hjeltnes Geir Maribu


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ennek az oldalnak az eredeti elérhetősége: http://elearning.ilab.sztaki.hu/partner_tisip